The recent closure of OnePlus’ official online store in India has left many customers wondering about the implications for their future purchases and the overall brand experience. As a prominent player in the smartphone industry, OnePlus has built a reputation for offering high-quality devices at competitive prices, along with a strong focus on customer service. In this article, we will delve into what the closure of the OnePlus India store means for customers and how they can navigate this change.

Understanding the OnePlus India Store Closure

OnePlus announced the closure of its official online store in India in September 2021, citing strategic restructuring as the reason behind the move. The decision to shut down the store raised concerns among customers who have come to rely on the brand for their smartphone needs. While OnePlus devices continue to be available through various offline and online retailers, the closure of the official store signals a shift in the company’s approach to the Indian market.

Implications for Customers

Limited Direct Purchasing Options

One of the immediate impacts of the store closure is that customers will no longer be able to purchase OnePlus devices directly from the official online store. This may result in some inconvenience for loyal customers who preferred the convenience and reliability of buying products directly from the brand.

Availability through Third-Party Retailers

While the closure of the official store may seem like a setback, customers can still purchase OnePlus devices from authorized third-party retailers. These retailers include offline stores, e-commerce platforms, and other authorized sellers. However, customers should ensure that they are buying from authorized sources to avoid counterfeit or substandard products.

After-Sales Support

A key concern for customers following the store closure is the availability of after-sales support and service. OnePlus has reassured customers that existing warranties and service commitments will be honored, and customers can still access service centers and customer support channels for assistance with their devices.

Shift in Brand Strategy

The closure of the official store in India may be part of OnePlus’ broader strategy to reposition itself in the market. The company may be exploring new avenues to reach customers and enhance its brand presence through partnerships with other retailers or online platforms.

Navigating the Change

Explore Alternative Purchase Channels

In light of the store closure, customers can explore alternative purchase channels to buy OnePlus devices. Authorized retailers, both offline and online, continue to stock OnePlus products, offering customers a wide range of options to choose from.

Verify Authenticity

To ensure that they are purchasing genuine OnePlus products, customers should verify the authenticity of the retailer before making a purchase. Authorized retailers will display the necessary certifications and logos to indicate their status as trusted sellers of OnePlus devices.

Stay Informed

Customers can stay informed about product launches, promotions, and updates from OnePlus by following the brand’s official channels on social media and subscribing to newsletters. This will help them stay up to date with the latest developments and offerings from OnePlus.

Customer Service

For any queries or concerns regarding their OnePlus devices, customers can reach out to the company’s customer service team through the available channels. OnePlus remains committed to providing excellent customer service, and customers can expect timely assistance for their device-related issues.


1. Can I still buy OnePlus devices in India after the closure of the official store?

Yes, OnePlus devices are still available for purchase in India through authorized third-party retailers, both offline and online.

2. Will my existing warranty be affected by the closure of the official store?

No, existing warranties and service commitments for OnePlus devices will continue to be honored, and customers can avail of after-sales support as before.

3. How can I ensure that I am buying genuine OnePlus products after the store closure?

To verify the authenticity of the retailer, customers should look for authorized certifications and logos that indicate the seller is a trusted source of OnePlus devices.

4. What should I do if I have issues with my OnePlus device post-store closure?

Customers can still access OnePlus service centers and customer support channels for assistance with their device-related queries and concerns.

5. How can I stay updated on OnePlus’ latest offerings and promotions after the store closure?

Customers can follow OnePlus on social media and subscribe to newsletters to stay informed about product launches, promotions, and updates from the brand.

In conclusion, while the closure of the OnePlus India store signifies a change in the company’s approach to the market, customers can continue to purchase and enjoy OnePlus devices through authorized retailers. By staying informed, verifying authenticity, and leveraging available customer service channels, customers can navigate this transition with confidence and continue to experience the quality and innovation synonymous with the OnePlus brand.


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